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Little Blue Matchbook

When I set the release date for this single back in late spring, I had no idea that Hurricane Florence would be swirling in the Atlantic, that the CA fires would still be raging, or that we would be experiencing local flooding due to the tremendous amount of rainfall this year! This is the unpredictability of nature, the strength of water and fire, as well as the imagery I had in mind with these lyrics. Nevertheless, God’s timing is perfect, and so it is with the release of this song. When I was deciding on artwork, I gave up the idea of just having a Little Blue Matchbook on the cover, because this song is about so much more (hence the flame amidst what looks like hurricane clouds). This song explores giving and receiving, candlelit dinners and laughter, the unity candle (representing husband and wife becoming one with a bright beautiful flame), expectations and the promise of new love …. Yet, Little Blue Matchbook cautions the probability of drifting apart. Storm clouds that loom have the potential of growing into a dangerous hurricane. A diminished flame that grows tired and weak invites the possibility of becoming extinguished. If the beauty and truth of what God intended for marriage is not intentionally lived, then it runs the risk of being snuffed out by distractions of the world.

All of these thoughts bring to mind three of my favorite quotes of the late Ruth Bell Graham and Billy Graham:

“It is a foolish woman who expects her husband to be to her that which only Jesus Christ Himself can be: ready to forgive, totally understanding, unendingly patient, invariably tender and loving, unfailing in every area, anticipating every need, and making more than adequate provision. Such expectations put a man under an impossible strain. The same goes for the man who expects too much from his wife.” -Ruth Bell Graham

When asked his secret of love, being married fifty-four years to the same person, he said: “Ruth and I are happily incompatible.” -Billy Graham

“True love is an act of the will- a conscious decision to do what is best for the other person instead of ourselves.” – Billy Graham

This song resonates with me because my husband and I began collecting matchbooks from our very first date at Le Vieux Logis in Bethesda MD back in October of 1984; from our many dinners in Georgetown, more from Carmel, San Francisco, Hollywood, Las Vegas, San Diego, Toronto, Charlotte, Southport, Wilmington, and Split Rock to name a few. Ironically enough, all of the matchbooks were destroyed by a flood in our basement in the mid-nineties. Come to think of it, our home underwent a fire while under construction, burning to the ground, which I totally forgot about until now!

We all have regrets, missed opportunities and failures in our marriages. My hope for all of us is that, if needed, we can add some kindling to that flame and help that fire grow to a love that is stronger than any hurricane.

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